Episode 45: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Victoria Ahrensdorf, Feldenkrais Method Teacher and Trainer
Are you suffering from trauma? Aren’t we all? Do you or someone you know have limited flexibility or mobility? How about that chronic pain in your back or joints brought on after sitting at your desk for 8 hours on a zoom conference? Victoria Ahrensdorf is a master teacher of the Feldenkrais Method and it is for anyone who wants to reconnect with their natural abilities to move, think and feel! Whether you want to be more comfortable at your computer, playing with your children, walking or performing a favorite pastime, these gentle lessons can improve your overall well-being. Victoria and Debby share an experience of living through a home fire as young girls – ever thought that an event in your childhood could still make your shutter or cringe at the smell of smoke? Join us in figuring out how to “Go Beyond Your Old Ways” and prepare our body and soul for living to a good “Ol” age. Stand Up & Speak Up features ordinary people who’ve been through extraordinary situations and struggles and found the courage to step out from behind their “smiles” and speak up about their experiences. Join us each week for another incredible special guest and topic!
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!
To join us LIVE, register at www.TheWomanBehindTheSmile.com/Show

This show is sponsored by BenfoComplete.com, a business based upon the goal of living a better life for those with neuropathy. Here’s to happy and healthy hands and feet – use discount code “standup” for 5% OFF your every order!