Season 2, Episode 25: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and R.L. Shawver, Author-Dad
He’s turning BLUE…Emergency rooms…his sweet COOs are really indications of fluid on his lungs. Can you imagine anything worse than seeing and hearing a surgeon say “Your two month old needs open heart surgery NOW?”
Samuel was diagnosed with Super-Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT) AND severe mitral valve regurgitation- DOUBLE WHAMMY. R.L. Shawver speaks to Debby Montgomery Johnson on this episode of Stand Up & Speak Up about his family experiences with his son, Samuel…”For This Child I Have Prayed” powerfully speaks to the strength, tenacity, and faith of a father and his unconditional love for his child. R.L’s words to himself gave him power over his adversities. His struggle to be a “people pleaser” came to a head when the hospital parking attendant told him to move his car – “Say WHAT?” Personal “failures” throughout his life (relationships, weight challenges, and even his allegiance to his faith) haunted him UNTIL his courage got him to STAND UP & SPEAK UP. There really are NICE guys out there and R.L. Shawver is one of them.
Join us now for his life story which guides parents through a child’s major medical experiences. Thanks to Beyond Publishing and Michael D. Butler for assistance in publishing “For This Child I Have Prayed, 6 Heart Surgeries, 18 Months by R.L. Shawver and A Gift Called Fearless by Debby Montgomery Johnson.
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

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