Language can be used to help or hurt! This is also completely valid when it comes to scams and victims. We would like to share something with you that we have been looking into for some time.
In today’s world, we understand the conversations about various types of crime very well. From sexual assault to domestic abuse, we understand how victims feel and what the implications are of improper use of language. But when it comes to scam victims, overwhelming the language is blaming and dismissive, filled with incorrect assumptions and biases.
Language defines how we all view the world and all of us in it! As we all know language can be used to help or hurt! This is also completely valid when it comes to scams and victims. All too often we use language which serves to undermine or blame the victims and minimize the criminals. This must change!
Please watch this and look at the way you may use language about these crimes, criminals, and their victims. Hopefully, this will trigger a conversation about these terms, even if you disagree with them, at least you will now become aware of the issues.
All too often we use language which serves to undermine or blame the victims and minimize the criminals. This must change! Please watch this and look at the way you use language about yourself and other victims.
THIS IS A CAMPAIGN OF THE SOCIETY OF CITIZENS AGAINST RELATIONSHIP SCAMS – SCARS We would love to hear your feedback. SCARS Team Learn more about scams, scammers, and victim recovery at
#RomanceScams #ScamVictims #Scammers #Frausters #VictimBlame #VictimmAbuse #ScamTerms #RomanceScamTerms #RelationshipScams
All SCARS articles presented by The Woman Behind The Smile, Inc., are used by permission of the Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams, Inc. Debby Montgomery Johnson is on the Board of Directors of SCARS and can be contacted at for additional information.