Episode 23: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Marcella Scherer, Professional Image Consultant.

Marcella Scherer has dressed some of the best but what about the REST of US? She is here at Stand Up & Speak Up to set us up for SUCCESS and yes, we can even have a “Cinderella Day” as she did for Susan, a woman who had lost her home, her job, and ultimately her life. Marcella is the epitome of poise and grace and she’s got STYLE!! Everyone enjoys a pick-me-up and wouldn’t you want to know what COLORS look best on you? I did. Power up your wardrobe, image and inner confidence with Marcella’s expertise to be the best version of you. Even Dr. Tim McGuinness, Founder of The Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams/SCARS learned a thing or two about image and presence!
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

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