Episode 28: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Charla Anderson, special guest. How could ANYONE step towards the gun? Just listen to how Charla stood up with “BOLD FAITH, NO FEAR” and talks positively about today’s chaos.
In today’s “new normal” we may be connected by we not connecting…we’re socially isolated and looking for relationships but it’s not happening virtually and we need to BEWARE and Be Aware of who’s online and out there in person. Love unconditionally but have BOUNDARIES…personal protection. Together with Dr. Tim McGuinness (The Society of Citizens Against Relationship Scams/SCARS) we stressed our mission of supporting our fellow human beings! When all else fails, give a candy bar and a hug!
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

This show is sponsored by BenfoComplete.com, a business based upon the goal of living a better life for those with neuropathy. Here’s to happy and healthy hands and feet – use discount code “standup” for 5% OFF your every order!