Episode 29: Stand Up & Speak Up with Brian Baird, Founder of Million Dollar Feeling
What is YOUR story? How is it holding you back from being your AUTHENTIC self…with yourself and with others? Brian Baird, Founder of Million Dollar Feeling and The Positive-Living Community tells how to quickly learn to illuminate the beauty of your life with your authentic story. It’s time to Flip the Script…Own Your Story…Change the World…whatever that means to you. Brian is a master of encouraging us tell our true stories so that we can smile when we find we are losing our dreams…when we find we keep experiencing loss and unhappiness…when we are not getting what we want out of life. How can your story change your life? It’s time to wipe away the past limiting beliefs and Stand Up & Speak Up your true story. Become the person you are DESTINED to be…your purpose will be revealed when you find your REAL self! It’s time to get the Million Dollar Feeling!
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

This show is sponsored by BenfoComplete.com, a business based upon the goal of living a better life for those with neuropathy. Here’s to happy and healthy hands and feet – use discount code “standup” for 5% OFF your every order!