Episode 26: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Christy Rutherford, Executive Leadership Coach and Bundle of Energy!
“YOU DID WHAT?” is exactly what I said to Christy Rutherford when I heard her story of resigning her commission as a US Coast Guard Officer just 3 years before retiring with a full pension. As a former USAF Officer and mother of two Active Duty Officers, I was FLOORED that she would do that. Give up financial security just “three feet from gold?” Christy loves Napoleon Hill so that reference is fitting! Yes, she hit rock bottom and was feeling broken and bitter. Yes, she hit from the world for a bit until she realized that what others thought of her DIDN’T MATTER. “Who you are is not WHERE you are” and conversely, where you are is not WHO you are. She “gave up” what the world thought was success to gain a life of significance and our conversation was a treasure. No more “I told you so” and silent suffering. She’s a powerhouse and an inspiration to all of us who have felt the shame of “letting others expectations of us down.” It’s time to STAND UP & SPEAK UP and get your power going from the inside out. When you are in a dark place, turn on the lights! The Woman Behind The Smile – NO MORE! Join us and share.
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

This show is sponsored by BenfoComplete.com, a business based upon the goal of living a better life for those with neuropathy. Here’s to happy and healthy hands and feet – use discount code “standup” for 5% OFF your every order!