Season 2, Episode 24: Stand Up & Speak Up with Publisher Candi Parker.
On this episode of Stand Up & Speak Up, Publisher and Founder of Parker House Books, Candi Parker and Debby Montgomery Johnson have a fun conversation about the WHYs and HOWs of writing and publishing your book. Candi published Debby’s first book, The Woman Behind The Smile – Triumph Over the Ultimate Online Dating Betrayal, and since 2017 the two have enjoyed writing/publishing articles in the monthly Positive Tribe Magazine.
Candi says the word “Authority” begins with author and once you’ve published you’ve become an “Expert” in that arena! What’s the “best” way to publish – it depends and Candi has some answers for YOU. Your story is important, if only to leave a legacy for your family. Your story is important, if ONLY to help one person survive a crisis. Your story is IMPORTANT, so write it! Find out how The Woman Behind The Smile is helping women across the globe understand how easily it is to be taken by a relationship scam and how important it is to STAND UP & SPEAK UP and get your power back!
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

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