Season 3, Episode 31: VA Benefits – you don’t know what to ask for if you don’t know what’s available! Stand Up & Speak Up with Jane Babcock, Veteran Service Officer and Debby Montgomery Johnson.
Veterans – We THANK YOU – and in this Stand Up & Speak Up show, Debby talks to Jane Babcock, Veterans Service Officer (VSO) about the benefits available to those of US who have served in the military.
To hear the whole conversation, VSO Jane Babcock!
What’s a VSO and how can they assist veterans? VA Benefits include education, housing/property tax, medical, retirement, disability and more. Â Register your DD 214 with the county? Â Burial honors available at National Cemeteries and local cemeteries. Benefits may be available to families/widows/children…Contact your local VSO and learn more. You don’t know what you’re eligible for until you ASK!
Contact Jane Babcock at LinkedIn and Email
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