Season 2, Episode 27: Stand Up & Speak Up with Debby Montgomery Johnson and Akshay Nanavati
Is the “Pursuit of Happiness” which is a fundamental “RIGHT” given to us through the Bill of Rights, unattainable?
What is the definition of happiness? Is it “when I get the next promotion…when I make $1M?” How can we be “happy” when life is full of struggles? How do we get past the “Why Me?” and find our purpose through our WORTHY STRUGGLE? Akshay Nanavati has an interesting perspective that “suffering is a training ground for self transcendence” and when mom says “Man Up”, did he listen? Fall in love with the journey of life and realize that “Happiness is not the elimination of sadness, it is the ability to find the GIFT in sadness!”
This is Part 2 of an extraordinary conversation with USMC Veteran, Adventurer, Entrepreneur Akshay Nanavati and we were honored to talk to him before he leaves for his South Pole Expedition!
Akshay Nanavati has overcome drug addiction, PTSD from fighting in Iraq with the Marines, depression and alcoholism that pushed him to the brink of suicide. Since then he has built a global business, run ultramarathons, spent 7 days in darkness, and explored the most hostile environments on the planet.
Combining his life experience with years of research in science and spirituality, he wrote the book “Fearvana,” which the Dalai Lama wrote the foreword for. All the profits from the book go toward charity.
Akshay is now on a mission to help our human family build a positive relationship to suffering in order to create a life of greater meaning, purpose and fulfillment.
Join me every Thursday morning at 9:00 am ET for Stand Up & Speak Up…it will change your life – or at least some of what you think!

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